General Panels
San Diego Anime Con panels will focus specifically on topics of interest directly related to and focused on, what else, but ANIME!
Bring the FURY on November 21, 22, and 23, 2025
at the Handlery Hotel in Mission Valley, San Diego!
Single-day and three-day tickets are available now!
Friday – 3:00pm to 8:00 pm
Saturday – 10:00am to 8:00pm
Sunday – 11:00pm to 6:00pm
Ticket prices increase at the door! Get them soon!
San Diego Anime Con panels will focus specifically on topics of interest directly related to and focused on, what else, but ANIME!
Our interactive and immersive sessions will provide opportunities to get hands-on in dynamic, safe, and fun experiences!
Like the Maid Cafes in Japan, San Diego Anime Con will feature this popular attraction, complete with maids and fun games!
Sell your merch!
Show your artsy side!
Edu-tain and share!
Entertain us!